Gold international For Personal Brand

You want to promote and make your image unique. You want to find the right strategy for you?

We answer:

In the role of "Business Celebrity Builder", we help Entrepreneurs, Professionals and Celebrities to become “known faces” of their sector.


Advice and guidance

We analyze your positioning and together with you we identify your market niche and its promise of value. We also identify the narrative style (tale of conquest, exploration, care, excellence) with which to tell your talent.

Content Creation

Starting from your positioning, we create a series of multichannel contents for all communication thanks to our staff of Photographers, videomaker, Graphics and Web Designer


Our press office will take care of proposing press releases and articles to national and international print and online newspapers or radio interviews..

Social e advertising

We take care of creation,restyling and growth of your social and online channels. We set up page sponsorship plans, site and blog post. We prepare sample campaigns and posts that we will send you for review with budget hypotheses. Once approved, the adv action begins (online advertising).

The term personal branding was coined in 1997 and Tom Peters, FastCompany CEO, in his famous article The Brand Called You.

In his article, Peters argued that, whatever your social background or profession, in fact, you are the only CEO, AD, Marketing Chief and President of the company "Io SpA".

Basically you, all of us, we are the solely responsible for our reputation. Your reputation and credibility improve or deteriorate in relation to the quality of the work you have done and will do.

Today we have shifted from a product-centered way of doing business, towards a customer-centric approach to the market. For this reason, a company's brand needs to get even closer to people.

The only way to fulfill this purpose is to talk to people with people.


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